Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sail or Sink, now that is the question

 We live each day knowing that there are low and high tides. Sometimes it seems everything is going our way. You know the "hot streak" so to speak. You land the job, buy the house, everything is smooth sailing. Then inevitably the wind comes..... you lose your job. Then the rain comes.... You can't pay your bills, lose the new car, lose the house. And Here comes the storm.... Your spouse is so stressed they quick paying attention to the kids. The kids are so angry they start using drugs, sneaking out in search of affection in lustful arms. Your life is in a Hurricane.

Wouldn't it be great if in the middle of a hurricane we were able to stop the storm like Jesus did. Just say stop and it all calms and we're back in smooth sailing again. Sometimes when we are caught in the whirlwind of life its hard to see the peace. Its nearly impossible to believe things will be good again.

I can think of different storms in my life. Today I was thinking back to some of the life altering choices I have made. You know those shoulda woulda coulda mistakes. The ones that start to give you anxiety just thinking of them. Then I had a peace come over me. I had a message laid on me. In those moments although I couldn't stop the storm I wasn't alone. Even though It was rough and I wanted to give up God was with me. The great thing about asking Jesus into your heart is he doesn't run back out. once you've let him in he doesn't leave. You never have to face another storm alone.

Sail or Sink? Was that the question? hmmmm.......
Jump Ship..... I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. As he is in me he gives me the strength to walk on water until I am out of the storm!

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